Laboratori di riciclo creativo. Pubblicazione di tutorial

This activity was carried out in Izmir from 31 October to 4 November. The participants were trained on how to teach recycling at school and how to make the process enjoyable and attractive for the students. They had the opportunity to get to know the local culture and traditions. The hosting teachers and families were extremely hospitable. They also improved their language skills. It was really sad to say goodbye. Let's hope we will soon meet in Poland. It was a very fruitful meeting!

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Christmas decorations out of recycled materials

Dear partners - as part of the local activities planned for December 2022, our students made Christmas decorations out of thrush and plastic. These items were sold among the local community to support some charity actions. Some ornaments were really incredible and were sold immediately.Our students showed some unique creativity while designing them. We hope you can copy these good practices when carrying out these activities in the future-Wish you all a sustainable New year!

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