A Colourful Preview
Some sneak previews of what is being prepared for our italian, polish, spanish and turkish friends,
Some sneak previews of what is being prepared for our italian, polish, spanish and turkish friends,
Our christmas coding activity, Pixel Art Greeting Cards, was awarded a Certificate of Excellence by EU Codeweek.
The challenge came from our Greek friends: why not do some joint activities to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2022?
Please write a few sentences about yourself
Dear Partners, I'm sending you a Padlet for students to write on the Culture/behaviour rules in Italy. https://padlet.com/edcaco8/lgkcwaahxkamo11g
Dear partners- I'm sending you the film about the saving of our planet earth made by our students and the Music teacher -Dorothy- enjoy it -share it with your students, please! https://www.canva.com/design/DAEfGsNzdDc/A6JzHJv9aSehCqPpvu4h5w/watch?utm_content=DAEfGsNzdDc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&fbclid=IwAR0h7aVRM04LfywK59D8KSBEDPhS_D3YwtBVfAd2CWRKWY_72n-GPQjg3C4
I'm sending u the link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G5-xJ4ZkWEpMLzNKTFJVzUOwG4ZZ5uWqK3ljilYb-Ho/edit?usp=sharing