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Erasmus Meet Altamura: Portuguese View

Between the 21st and 25th of March, a group of students and teachers from AE Venda do Pinheiro traveled to Altamura, Italy, as part of the participation in the Erasmus One Future For All project. This meeting between the partners was hosted by the Quinto Circolo Didattico “San Francesco d’Assisi” school. In an intense week, our students and teachers participated in various activities, promoted programming and robotics workshops, visited the rich heritage of the Altamura area, and even put robots to dance in the theater.

Apresentação no Teatro Mercadante.

This Erasmus project, which had its first meeting in November, which we hosted, brings together schools from six countries, united around the theme of Sustainability. It was our first trip of Erasmus students outside of Portugal, an initiative that we are working to make it happen again. The experience gained, the possibility and richness of interactions between students from different countries, form new learning, friendships, and memories for life. We returned richer, with Italy at heart.